
「双语」波音CEO关于737 MAX最新进展的声明

Statement from Boeing CEO Dennis Muilenburg: We Own Safety - 737 MAX Software, Production and Process Update

波音CEO关于737 MAX最新进展的声明

As we work closely with customers and global regulators to return the 737 MAX to service, we continue to be driven by our enduring values, with a focus on safety, integrity and quality in all we do.

在与客户及全球的监管机构紧密合作以实现737 MAX恢复运营的时候,我们始终遵循着一直以来所秉持的价值观,即将对安全、诚信与质量的重视贯彻于所有工作之中。

We now know that the recent Lion Air Flight 610 and Ethiopian Airlines Flight 302 accidents were caused by a chain of events, with a common chain link being erroneous activation of the aircraft's MCAS function. We have the responsibility to eliminate this risk, and we know how to do it. As part of this effort, we're making progress on the 737 MAX software update that will prevent accidents like these from ever happening again. Teams are working tirelessly, advancing and testing the software, conducting non-advocate reviews, and engaging regulators and customers worldwide as we proceed to final certification. I recently had the opportunity to experience the software update performing safely in action during a 737 MAX 7 demo flight.  We're also finalizing new pilot training courses and supplementary educational material for our global MAX customers. This progress is the result of our comprehensive, disciplined approach and taking the time necessary to get it right.

我们现在知道狮航610航班和埃塞俄比亚航空302航班的事故是由一连串原因导致的,两起事故共同的一点是飞机MCAS功能被错误激活。我们有责任去除这一风险,我们知道如何把这项工作做好。我们正在为此而努力,包括推进737 MAX软件的升级,这一工作完成之后将会永远杜绝此类事故的发生。整个团队都在全力以赴地进行软件的升级和测试,开展客观评审,与全球的监管机构和客户就软件升级认证进行协同合作。最近我个人参加了在一架737 MAX 7飞机上进行的软件升级验证飞行。我们也正在为全球的MAX客户完善新的飞行员培训课程、补充培训资料。我们秉持着全面、严谨的工作态度,有条不紊地进行着这些工作。

As we continue to work through these steps, we're adjusting the 737 production system temporarily to accommodate the pause in MAX deliveries, allowing us to prioritize additional resources to focus on software certification and returning the MAX to flight. We have decided to temporarily move from a production rate of 52 airplanes per month to 42 airplanes per month starting in mid-April.

在进行这些工作的同时,737 MAX暂时停止了交付工作,我们将随之调整737的生产系统,以优化资源配置,集中精力完成软件升级认证以及使MAX重新投入运营等方面的工作。我们决定从4月中旬开始暂时将产能从每月52架调整到42架。

At a production rate of 42 airplanes per month, the 737 program and related production teams will maintain their current employment levels while we continue to invest in the broader health and quality of our production system and supply chain.


We are coordinating closely with our customers as we work through plans to mitigate the impact of this adjustment. We will also work directly with our suppliers on their production plans to minimize operational disruption and financial impact of the production rate change. 


In light of our commitment to continuous improvement and our determination to always make a safe industry even safer, I've asked the Boeing Board of Directors to establish a committee to review our company-wide policies and processes for the design and development of the airplanes we build.  The committee will confirm the effectiveness of our policies and processes for assuring the highest level of safety on the 737-MAX program, as well as our other airplane programs, and recommend improvements to our policies and procedures.

鉴于我们对不断改进自己的承诺,以及使安全的行业更加安全这一决心,我要求波音公司的董事会成立一个委员会,以审核公司在设计和研发飞机方面的政策和流程。委员会将会确保我们的政策和流程的有效性,保证 737 MAX以及其他飞机项目都遵从最高安全标准,还将对我们的政策和程序的改善提供建议。

The committee members will be Adm. Edmund P. Giambastiani, Jr., (Ret.), former vice chairman, U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, who will serve as the committee's chair; Robert A. Bradway, chairman and CEO of Amgen, Inc.; Lynn J. Good, chairman, president and CEO of the Duke Energy Corporation; and Edward M. Liddy, former chairman and CEO of the Allstate Corporation, all members of the company's board. These individuals have been selected to serve on this committee because of their collective and extensive experiences that include leadership roles in corporate, regulated industries and government entities where safety and the safety of lives is paramount.

委员会将由这些成员构成:前美国参谋长联席会议副主席艾德蒙・詹巴蒂斯塔(Edmund P. Giambastiani,Jr.,)将担任委员会主席;其他委员会成员包括安进公司(Amgen)董事长兼首席执行官罗伯特・布拉德维(Robert A. Bradway),杜克能源公司(Duke Energy Corporation)董事长、总裁兼首席执行官琳・古德(Lynn J. Good),好事达保险公司(Allstate)前董事长兼首席执行官爱德华・利迪(Edward M. Liddy),以及波音公司董事会的所有成员。这些成员被选中加入委员会,因为他们之前所服务的企业、受管制行业或政府机构,都是与安全和生命安全有着至关重要关系的领域,他们在这些方面有着共同的、丰富的领导经验。

Safety is our responsibility, and we own it. When the MAX returns to the skies, we've promised our airline customers and their passengers and crews that it will be as safe as any airplane ever to fly. Our continued disciplined approach is the right decision for our employees, customers, supplier partners and other stakeholders as we work with global regulators and customers to return the 737 MAX fleet to service and deliver on our commitments to all of our stakeholders.

安全是我们的责任,我们责无旁贷。当MAX重返蓝天的时候,我们会向航空公司客户以及他们的乘客、机组人员承诺,这是最安全的机型之一。与我们的员工、客户、供应商伙伴以及其他利益相关方紧密合作,使737 MAX恢复运营,兑现与所有利益相关方的承诺,在这个过程中,坚持严谨的态度是我们正确的决定。

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